In Adventure Time season 8 episode 4, titled "Jermaine / Chips & Ice Cream," Finn and Jake visit their brother Jermaine, who has been living as a hermit in the junkyard. Jermaine is supposed to be in charge of taking care of the family's possessions, but instead, he's been hoarding them all for himself.
Meanwhile, BMO and Ice King team up and end up creating a business selling chips and ice cream out of their own respective devices. However, things get complicated when Ice King starts hearing a mysterious voice that convinces him to start giving away their product for free.
As Finn and Jake try to help Jermaine confront his hoarding tendencies and deal with their family issues, BMO and Ice King must figure out how to fix their business before it all falls apart.
"Jermaine / Chips & Ice Cream" deals with themes of family dynamics, responsibility, and the consequences of unchecked hoarding behaviors. Despite the light-hearted tone of the episode, it provides a meaningful exploration into what it means to be part of a family and to take care of those around us.
The episode features the familiar humor and quirkiness that fans have come to love about the series, as well as the warmth and heart that have made Adventure Time such a beloved show.
CastJeremy ShadaJohn DiMaggioNiki Yang
First AiredApril 30, 2015
Content RatingTVPG
Runtime22 min
IMDB Rating6.7 (1,573)
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