Ep 19. Lady Peebles
- August 20, 2012
In Adventure Time season 4 episode 19, titled "Lady Peebles," the story revolves around the character of Princess Bubblegum's beloved pet Lady Rainicorn. After Lady gets kidnapped, Princess Bubblegum sets out to rescue her with the help of Marceline and Cinnamon Bun.
The episode begins with Princess Bubblegum in her lab, where she is conducting an experiment on Lady Rainicorn. The experiment goes awry, causing Lady to disappear. Princess Bubblegum is distraught and sets out to find Lady along with Marceline and Cinnamon Bun.
As they journey through the Land of Ooo, they encounter various obstacles, including giant monsters and traps. Along the way, they discover that Lady has been kidnapped by the Ice King, who plans to take her as his bride. The Ice King is assisted by the evil Ricardio, who is after Princess Bubblegum's heart.
Princess Bubblegum and her companions engage in a battle with the Ice King and Ricardio to free Lady. They are aided by Lady's parents, who arrive to help. The battle is intense, but in the end, they manage to defeat the villains and rescue Lady.
The episode ends with Princess Bubblegum and Lady reuniting, and Princess Bubblegum finally succeeding in her experiment. Lady is restored to her normal self, and all is well in the Land of Ooo.
Overall, the adventure in "Lady Peebles" is filled with action and humor, as well as a touching story of the bond between Princess Bubblegum and Lady Rainicorn. The episode also showcases the strength and resourcefulness of Princess Bubblegum, as well as the loyalty and bravery of her friends.