Watch Adventure Time: Ice King Collection
- 2013
- 1 Season
Adventure Time is a beloved animated series that aired on Cartoon Network from 2010 to 2018. The show is set in the Land of Ooo, a post-apocalyptic world filled with princesses, talking candy, and all sorts of strange creatures. Adventure Time: Ice King Collection is a collection of episodes that feature the show's most complicated and misunderstood villain, the Ice King.
The Ice King, also known as Simon Petrikov, was once a human known for his love of antiquing and his relationship with his fiancée, Betty. However, a magical crown that he discovered caused him to slowly lose his sanity and eventually become the Ice King, a lonely and bitter wizard who kidnaps princesses to try and find love. Although the Ice King is one of the series' primary antagonists, he is also one of its most sympathetic characters, with viewers often feeling sorry for him despite his wicked actions.
The episodes in this collection focus on the Ice King and his adventures with various characters in the Land of Ooo. Some of the episodes are silly and light-hearted, while others are more serious and delve into the Ice King's tragic backstory. The episodes are presented in chronological order, so viewers can follow the Ice King's story from the beginning of the series to the end.
One of the standout episodes in the collection is titled "I Remember You," which focuses on the Ice King's relationship with Marceline the Vampire Queen. Marceline is one of the show's most popular characters, and viewers are often curious about her past and her connection to the Ice King. "I Remember You" explores their complicated friendship and reveals some of the Ice King's tragic backstory, which explains why he is so obsessed with the princesses of Ooo.
Another memorable episode in the collection is "Holly Jolly Secrets," which focuses on the Ice King's diary, which he kept before he became fully consumed by the power of the crown. Finn, Jake, and the Ice King's penguin sidekick, Gunter, stumble upon the diary and discover some of the Ice King's deepest secrets. The episode is both hilarious and heartwarming, as viewers get a glimpse of the man Simon Petrikov used to be before he became the Ice King.
Overall, Adventure Time: Ice King Collection is a must-watch for fans of the show. It provides a deeper understanding of the Ice King's character and his motivations, and it shines a light on some of the show's most emotional and poignant moments. The episodes in the collection also feature some of the show's most beloved characters, including Finn, Jake, Marceline, and Princess Bubblegum. The humor and heart of the show are on full display in this collection, making it an excellent choice for both longtime fans of the series and newcomers looking to delve into the weird and wonderful world of Ooo.