A Very Secret Service Season 2 Episode 1

Ep 1. The Dish on Charlotte

  • July 30, 2018

A Very Secret Service season 2 episode 1, titled The Dish on Charlotte, follows the continued adventures of French Secret Service agent, André Merlaux. Set in the early 1960s in the midst of the Cold War, the show follows Merlaux's missions to gather intel and complete secret operations, while also navigating the complex and often absurd politics of French bureaucracy.

In this episode, Merlaux is tasked with monitoring a young woman named Charlotte, who is suspected of being a spy and has been invited to a prestigious dinner with high-ranking officials. Merlaux must blend in with the guests while keeping an eye on Charlotte and trying to gather any information he can that will confirm or deny her suspicions.

However, the mission quickly becomes complicated when Merlaux discovers that Charlotte is not a spy after all, but rather a CIA agent posing as a Soviet double agent in order to infiltrate the French Secret Service. Meanwhile, Merlaux's fellow agents are dealing with their own struggles, as Marie-Jo is having trouble balancing her work and family responsibilities, while Jacquard is struggling to navigate a new job in the private sector.

As the tension at the dinner escalates and Merlaux tries to figure out how to extract Charlotte from the situation without blowing her cover, the episode takes a surprising turn as the true motives of the CIA's involvement in the situation are revealed. With twist after twist, The Dish on Charlotte leaves viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

Overall, A Very Secret Service season 2 episode 1 continues the show's blend of espionage, political satire, and wacky humor, with plenty of twists and turns to keep viewers guessing. As Merlaux and his fellow agents navigate the murky waters of international espionage, the show reminds us that even in the midst of danger and intrigue, there's always room for a little bit of absurdity.

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  • First Aired
    July 30, 2018
  • Language