A Haunting Season 8 Episode 1
A Haunting
Season 8

Ep 1. Extreme Entity

  • August 21, 2015

When it comes to the paranormal, there are few things more terrifying than a malevolent spirit that refuses to leave its intended victim alone. In the season 8 premiere of A Haunting, viewers are introduced to a particularly stubborn entity that has set its sights on a young woman named Rachel.

Rachel's experiences with the paranormal began innocently enough - strange noises in her apartment, flickering lights and the sense that she was being watched. But things quickly escalated, as the entity began to physically assault her, leaving deep scratches on her body and throwing objects across the room.

Desperate for help, Rachel contacted the team at Paranormal Investigations, who quickly set to work trying to figure out what was causing her distress. Armed with an array of tools and techniques, they began to investigate the apartment, searching for any signs of a haunting.

As they dug deeper, they began to uncover a disturbing history behind the apartment building itself. It turned out that the site had been home to a number of tragic deaths over the years, including several suicides and even a murder. It seemed that the entity that was tormenting Rachel was somehow linked to these events, and was using her as a conduit to further its own sinister agenda.

Despite their best efforts, however, the investigators were unable to rid Rachel of the entity's influence. It seemed that the entity was simply too powerful to be banished, and the team was left with no choice but to help Rachel find a new home. But even as they made plans to move her out of the apartment, the entity continued to harass her, making it clear that it was not yet ready to let go of its hold on her.

In the end, the team was forced to resort to extreme measures, conducting a full-blown exorcism to try and drive the entity out of Rachel's body once and for all. The ceremony was intense and harrowing, with Rachel writhing and convulsing as the entity fought to keep its grip on her soul. But in the end, the investigators were victorious, and Rachel was finally free from the entity's clutches.

As Rachel began the process of healing and rebuilding her life, the team at Paranormal Investigations was left with a sobering reminder of the power of the paranormal. Despite their years of experience, they had encountered an entity that was impossible to defeat through conventional means, leaving them to wonder what other horrors might be lurking in the shadows.

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  • First Aired
    August 21, 2015
  • Language