A Haunting Season 2 Episode 13
A Haunting
Season 2

Ep 13. The Presence

  • TV-PG
  • December 7, 2006
  • 43 min
  • 8.4  (62)

The episode "The Presence" of A Haunting season 2, takes us on a journey to a suburban home in Pennsylvania, where a family is tormented by a dark entity. The episode begins by introducing us to a family consisting of a couple and their three children. They had recently moved into their dream house, which though old had a charm of its own. However, soon things started to go awry.

The family would hear creaking sounds, doors opening and shutting on their own, and footsteps even when no one was around. The family initially dismissed these occurrences as being normal in an old house, but soon it became clear that there was something more sinister at play. The youngest of the children, a 4-year-old girl was the first one to express fear. She claimed to see a dark figure watching her sleep at night. The mother would also have an eerie feeling of a presence watching her.

Things started getting worse when objects started moving on their own. The family reported that they would leave an item in one place and return to find it in a completely different location. At times, certain objects would go missing altogether, and later turn up in strange places. The father, an engineer, couldn't find any logical explanation for these occurrences and was at a loss on how to deal with it.

As the activity increased, the family decided to seek professional help. They contacted a paranormal investigator who visited them and confirmed the home was indeed haunted. The investigator named the entity as the "Presence" and upon further investigation, discovered that the house was built on a piece of land that had been used as a burial ground during the early 20th century. The entity seemed to have an affinity for the 4-year-old girl and would communicate with her through signs and symbols. The investigator claimed that it was important that the family take immediate action, as the entity seemed to be growing in strength and could cause serious harm.

The family followed the investigator's advice and attempted to cleanse the house. However, the Presence was powerful, and despite many attempts at ridding the home of it, it refused to leave. The family was at its wits end and soon the entity's malevolent intentions became clear. The family claimed to have seen apparitions of a woman, a man and a dog, who seemed to be a part of the entity's past. The ghosts were seen holding hands and disappearing into a wall.

As the entity's hold over the family intensified, the children began to act out of character. The eldest son's behavior became violent and aggressive, while the youngest daughter spoke about death and dying. The family was deeply disturbed and even the investigator was unsure of how to proceed. The family decided that they could no longer live in the house and moved out.

As the episode came to a close, we saw that the family had not been able to completely move on from the traumatic experiences they faced. They spoke about the fear and trauma they had faced and how it still haunted them to this day. The show ends with a warning that paranormal activity is very real and should not be taken lightly.

Overall, the episode "The Presence" was a scary and unsettling look into what can happen when the paranormal takes hold of a person's life. The episode was full of sightings, sounds, and inexplicable phenomena that were sure to give audiences chills. It is a must-watch for enthusiasts of the paranormal genre.

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  • First Aired
    December 7, 2006
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    43 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    8.4  (62)