Ep 11. The Story of Pauline the Pelican
- April 27, 1999
- 11 min
One of the popular children's shows, 64 Zoo Lane, features an episode called The Story of Pauline the Pelican. This is Season 1, Episode 11 of the series, and it is a delightful and educational show for young kids. The show follows the adventures of a young girl, Lucy, who lives near a zoo. Every night, a group of animals come out of the zoo to tell Lucy bedtime stories, and this episode tells the story of Pauline the Pelican.
The episode begins with the animals talking about how pelicans can store fish in their beaks. They can hold so many fish that it can be tricky for them to fly with all that weight. The animals also talk about Pauline, who is a friendly and happy pelican. However, Pauline is very different from the other pelicans, as she cannot store fish in her beak like the others. As a result, her beak is always empty, and she feels ashamed of herself.
One day, Pauline meets a wise old tortoise named Toby, who helps her to accept herself for who she is. Toby tells Pauline that she is perfect just the way she is, and she does not need to change in any way. He also tells her a story about how he used to be ashamed of his slow pace, but he has now embraced it as his strength. He advises Pauline to do the same and to embrace her unique qualities.
Feeling inspired, Pauline decides to use her beak in a different way. Rather than trying to store fish in it, she learns to use it as a tool to help other animals. She uses her beak to dig holes, carry things, and even help animals who are in danger. The other animals soon notice how helpful Pauline is and start to appreciate her for who she is.
As the episode progresses, Pauline realizes that it does not matter if she cannot store fish in her beak. Her uniqueness is what makes her special, and that is what matters most. She also learns that she should never be ashamed of herself or try to change who she is to fit in with others. Instead, she should embrace her uniqueness and use it to help others.
Throughout the episode, there are lots of fun songs and animations to keep children engaged. The show teaches children about the importance of accepting themselves for who they are and embracing their unique qualities. It encourages children to be kind to others and use their strengths to help others. Overall, The Story of Pauline the Pelican is a lovely episode that teaches important lessons in a fun and engaging way.