50 States Of Fright Season 1 Episode 2

Ep 2. The Golden Arm (Michigan) (2)

  • April 6, 2020

In "The Golden Arm" (Michigan), the second episode of "50 States of Fright" Season 1, horror meets urban legend. The episode opens on a couple: Tim, played by Alex Fitzalan, and his girlfriend, played by Rachel Brosnahan. The couple is traveling through rural Michigan on their way to visit Tim's childhood friend. They quickly run out of gas and pull over to a deserted gas station to get more fuel. Tim haphazardly parks his car in front of the station and heads inside, leaving his girlfriend alone in the car.

Inside the gas station, Tim hears whispers that seem to be coming from the walls. When he turns around to leave, he bumps into an old woman, who demands to know what he's doing there. Tim explains that he needs gas, and the old woman reluctantly fills his tank. As she finishes, she warns him to "beware the golden arm" and to "stay on the beaten path."

As Tim drives away from the gas station, he tells his girlfriend about the old woman's warning. She scoffs at him, dismissing it as just an old wives' tale. But as they continue on their journey, strange things begin to happen. Their car breaks down, and they're forced to walk. Along the way, they hear whispers and see eerie signs painted on trees, warning them to turn back.

When they finally reach their destination, they're greeted by Tim's childhood friend, who has become a recluse. As they settle into his cabin, strange things continue to happen. The power flickers on and off, and the sound of footsteps can be heard in the distance. Tim's girlfriend becomes increasingly concerned and demands that they leave immediately. But it's too late. The legend of the golden arm has caught up with them.

"The Golden Arm" is a suspenseful and eerie episode of "50 States of Fright" that explores urban legend and the fear of the unknown. Featuring strong performances from the cast, it's a bone-chilling tale that will leave you questioning what's real and what's not. And with each episode set in a different state, "50 States of Fright" promises to be a must-watch show for horror fans everywhere.

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  • First Aired
    April 6, 2020
  • Language