48 Hours on ID Season 7 Episode 8
48 Hours on ID
Season 7

Ep 8. The Sober Truth

  • March 16, 2016

In this episode of 48 Hours on ID, entitled "The Sober Truth," viewers are taken on a deep dive into the world of addiction, recovery, and relapse. The episode follows the story of two young women, both struggling with addiction and both seeking treatment. Through interviews with family members, friends, and experts in the field, this episode explores the difficulties of overcoming addiction and the stark reality of relapse.

The first woman we meet is Karen, a bubbly and outgoing young woman who has been in and out of rehab for years. After being sober for 18 months, Karen relapsed and ultimately died from an overdose. Through interviews with her mother and sister, we gain insight into Karen's struggles and the heartbreaking toll addiction took on her family. We also hear from addiction experts who weigh in on the challenges of achieving and maintaining sobriety.

The second woman, Sarah, is a young mother who is about to leave rehab after 60 days of sobriety. We follow her on her journey as she navigates the difficult transition back to real life. Through Sarah's story, we see the challenges of trying to stay sober in a world filled with triggers and temptations. We also witness the incredible resilience and strength of those who are fighting addiction.

Throughout the episode, we hear from addiction specialists who discuss the science behind addiction and the different treatment options available. We also learn about the challenges faced by those seeking treatment, including the high cost of rehab and the challenges of finding quality care.

"The Sober Truth" is a powerful and thought-provoking episode that sheds light on the dark world of addiction. Through the stories of Karen and Sarah, viewers are given a glimpse into the struggles faced by those fighting addiction, as well as the impact it has on their families and loved ones. This episode serves as a reminder of the importance of supporting those struggling with addiction and the need to continue to find new ways to combat this devastating disease.

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  • First Aired
    March 16, 2016
  • Language