'A to Z' Season 1, Episode 6: 'G is for Geronimo' Recap

'A to Z'  Season 1, Episode 6: 'G is for Geronimo' Recap Andrew and Zelda take a big step - they merge their music libraries.

At the house, Stu helps himself to a tour, and discovers that Stephie has a certification for being a psychic.

Going through the music, Andrew discovers a demo that Zelda recorded. She panics and won't let him listen, and makes him promise not to.

At an open-bar work party, Stu teases Stephie and asks for a reading. She takes his hand and tells him she sees the color yellow, a freckled girl who changed his life, and the word "Geronimo."

Lydia drinks too much, and at work the next day, everyone is friendly to her. She learns she was a very sweet drunk and everyone warmed up to her.

Andrew listens to Zelda's demo on his work computer. Dinesh tells him Zelda is a great singer, and Andrew realizes that he accidentally shared her demo with all the people at work. And they're sharing it. And so on and so forth... and suddenly in her office, Zelda is getting compliments on her song.

Andrew thinks she will be furious, but she's more upset. What if she wasted her life? People like her song. She hadn't wanted to be her mother and follow foolish dreams, so she had gone the realistic route. What if what was a mistake? She was going to audition for music college, but at the last moment had changed her mind.

Stu yells at Andrew for telling Stephie about "Geronimo," the motorcycle he had as a kid but crashed into a cow, but Andrew actually doesn't know about it. He turns, and there is yellow paint all over his back.

Stephie calls to yell at Andrew for making Zelda question her career, and Stu begs her to tell her more.

Andrew takes Zelda to "lunch," which is actually an audition. She runs off, and tells Andrew that she hadn't just changed her mind years ago, she had chickened out. In the car, she sees he has listened to her song 53 times. She asks to go back.

Stu calls Stephie - he has tracked down the freckled girl from third grade, Greta, that Stephie has "seen." She's married now and has kids. Should he do something?

Stephie admits that she made everything up with information from watching him, what she knows from Andrew and Zelda, and from the things he said in his sleep the night they slept together. She now considers them even.

Leaving Greta's house, Stu sees a motorcycle for sale. He buys it and crashes into a moose.

The school has left a message for Zelda. She decides they should listen to it together, and she and Andrew both put in an earbud.

Zelda sings karaoke, wowing everyone.