'A to Z' Season 1, Episode 5: 'F is for Fight, Fight Fight!' Recap

'A to Z'  Season 1, Episode 5: 'F is for Fight, Fight Fight!' Recap A man outside bumps into Zelda and she and Andrew are debating where to go to eat, and then insults her. Andrew debates what he should do - after his mother died, he had anger issues which he channeled into martial arts, however, would Zelda want him to react like that?

Before he can decide, Zelda rips into the guy, takes his sandal, and throws it on the roof.

Andrew ends up feeling weird that he didn't step in. He worries Zelda won't see him as manly. Stu doesn't help, of course, and instead makes it his duty to "Cato" Andrew by jumping out periodically and fighting him.

At work, Zelda and Steffy have a new client. It's a big case - a small farmer standing up to a big biotech corportation. However, he's handsome, so of course Steffy ends up making out with him. She's certain it's love this time and not her changing herself for a man, so she appeals to Zelda to take on the extra work.

Andrew is still worrying over what happened, and tells Zelda he would have stepped in. She tells him she likes her men sensitive and level-headed, but he doesn't fully believe it, preoccupied, especially when she asks to have the night to herself for the first time.

Howard interrupts a Cato moment between Stu and Andrew and yells at everyone, gaining their respect. Lydia (Big Bird) tries it her own way, but goes too far and slaps Howard. The employees sympathize with him and obey him even more. She revealed an old injury - an arm that wasn't set properly - to try to get their respect, but only grosses everyone out.

Andrew and Zelda end up hanging out with Steffy and Frank, the farmer, who is uber manly. Andrew tries to show them a video of his competitive fights as a kid, but it was taped over with footage of him singing in a musical.

Fed up, when an Abe Lincoln sign waver bumps into him later and heckles him, Andrew loses it and knocks Abe down. However, it happens to be a woman with a deep voice. Zelda is horrified. She tells him she doesn't want a man who can't keep cool, and he points out that she didn't want to spend time together after that first incident. She points out that if he had been listening, he would have heard her talk about how much work she had to do. She doesn't want a fighter, but she does want a listener, or someone to make decisions about small things like restaurants.

At work, Steffy has already decided that Frank isn't what she's looking for. Zelda has wrapped up the case and gotten him a big settlement.

She finds Andrew on her stoop later with take out from her favorite restaurant, having made the decision. He offers to come in, listen, and maybe even do some chores. Later, Zelda sees a spider in the kitchen. She goes to kill it, but then pretends to be afraid and has Andrew come in. He scoops it up and takes it outside.