'A to Z' Season 1, Episode 5: 'E is for Ectoplasm' Recap

'A to Z'  Season 1, Episode 5: 'E is for Ectoplasm' Recap Andrew and Zelda are planning a monthiversary party, Halloween-themed. However, both have traditions. Since Zelda and Steffy moved into an apartment they learned was once on "Lavern and Shirley," they have always dressed as the pair, and since kids, Andrew and Stu have gone "Ghostbusters."

They send out an invite to the party, immediately experiencing backlash from their best friends. In an effort to placate them, they call a meeting and tell Stu and Steffy they can help plan the party. Both fight to take over.

At work, Big Bird has decided to host a Halloween party celebrating their "golden couple" from the Wallflower site - an attractive and happy pair. However, she finds out before the party that the two have killed one another. In a desperate search for a replacement, she finds nothing but Zelda and Andrew, looking happy. She tells Andrew he has to appear, ruining plans for their party.

At the work party, Zelda and Andrew pretend to have been dating longer than a month for the press, while Stu and Steffy sulk in a spectacular fashion, furiously angry.

Lora and Dinesh get roped out of the sexy singles gathering and locked into "nerd jail." In an effort to free them, Dinesh climbs through the air vents, and falls.

Meanwhile, things have come to a head with the friends, and in the arguments, the lady from the press overhears that Zelda and Andrew have only been together a month.

Big Bird locks the four back in nerd jail, where Stu and Steffy admit that they're worried they are going to get forced out of Zelda and Andrew's lives. They assure them that will never happen.

Things turn out well for the media - Wallflower's review is not very romantic, but it is lauded as a great place for sexy singles (largely because the journalist ends up making out with someone).

Andrew and Zelda dress in the costumes Stu and Steffy have brought along with them, and the four go out to a diner, letting bygones be bygones.