'A to Z' Season 1, Episode 4: 'D is for Debbie' Recap

'A to Z'  Season 1, Episode 4: 'D is for Debbie' Recap In the first three weeks of dating, it's important to show your best side.

Zelda calls Andrew to cancel going to the game with him - her aunt has died. Not her actual aunt, but the woman who was like a mother to her (and who cared for her when her actual mother would leave to "find herself").

At work, Stu sees a fooseball table and starts to play, even though the IT people warn him it's a honey trap. He gets called into Big Bird's office and told they are trimming the fat. He can turn in a good idea by the end of the day or he's out.

Andrew isn't sure if he should go to the funeral with Zelda, who hasn't invited him. Stu reminds him that he showed up with a meat tray when Andrew's mother died - it's important to be there.

Zelda, however, didn't invite him for a reason. She thinks it's too early for that. She brings Steffy instead. However, Andrew makes an appearance. She's horrified to introduce him to her crazy family.

Andrew fits in well, however, since "emotion" is sort of his thing. The family loves him, and his encouragement to do what makes them feel better. For the uncle supposed to give the eulogy, that's to do shrooms. He tells Zelda she'll have to give the eulogy now.

Panicked, Stu begins hiding raw shrimp around the office, determined to leave it smelling bad if he's getting fired. Andrew texts him a pleading-for-help picture, and he notices, in the background, a YouTube sensation. He thinks if he can get Tyler Ward to sign up for Wallflower, it might save his job. He goes to the funeral and he and Steffy compete to talk to Tyler, until Tyler gets freaked out and leaves them both.

Zelda doesn't know what to say at the eulogy, so she goes into lawyer mode, and it's not good. She and Andrew go get ice cream. She admits that she was more worried he would see her get emotional, but instead she didn't, which is even more embarrassing. She chooses that moment to have a total breakdown. Andrew comforts her as best he can.

At Wallflower, Big Bird is trapping individuals one by one. The guy from corporate congratulates her, and suggests they get a drink. It's a trap - she gets written up. When Stu calls to beg for his job, she forgives him.

Zelda and Andrew go back to the crazy funeral rituals with Zelda's hippy-dippy family, and participate as best they can.