'A to Z' Season 1, Episode 2: 'B is for Big Glory' Recap

'A to Z'  Season 1, Episode 2: 'B is for Big Glory' Recap After their kiss, the two spent the night talking together until the sun came up.

Andrew plays his "big glory" music in his head. Zelda has no big glory music, because as a child, her happy moments didn't last.

The two are thrilled about each other, regardless. Zelda shows Steffy a little mini license plate with "Andy" on it she got for him as they talked about them while they were talking around, noting that no one has her name.

As Andrew is telling Stu about his good luck, he sees the girl he forgot he has a date with later. He knows the girl, Brooke, just broke up with her boyfriend again and is feeling fragile. He is conflicted.

Stu tells him to keep the date. He's sure Zelda isn't acting as crazy as Andrew is. If one person reveals that they like the other person way more too soon, it will doom the relationship. Andrew decides to keep the date but tell Zelda.

The boss at Wallflower, Lydia, tells her employees everyone will be beta testing the new dating app. The PR Manager, Howard, doesn't think it's a good idea, but she tells him it's just a simulation and bets him money it'll go fine.

Andrew calls Zelda and tells her 1) he is sending over a package, and 2) explains the Brooke situation, and she assures him it's fine. She tells him she actually has a date too.

It's a lie. "Game on," as Steffy says. They both become obssessed with finding out about the person the other is going out with. Steffy tells Zelda to go out on a real date with Vanity Reps (a guy who does exercises to look fit before a meeting).

Andrew has a traffic app that accidentally linked with Zelda's, so he knows where she is on her date. He asks his own date about the place. He texts Stu also, wanting to know if it's romantic. Stuf decides to go there and keep an eye on Zelda.

Steffy, meanwhile, has been stalking Brooke online and found where the two are. Stu calls Andrew and tells him the two are leaving and the date seems to be a bust. Brooke overhears him, and he explains what's happening. She tells him to go to Zelda.

Lydia calls the programmer and tells her she has gotten no positive "taps" on their new app, and therefore it is broken. The "tap" power game continues throughout the office.

Andrew goes to Zelda's place, and knocks... he finds Vanity Reps at the door, shirtless. Andrew claims he's at the wrong house and goes. Zelda sees him leaving out the window.

Later she explains to Steffy that he had done so many push ups he sweat through his shirt, and also needed a notary. She and Andrew are meeting for coffee - both of their friends remind them not to talk about their date.

They have an awkward, dry date, until Zelda blurts out what happened with Vanity Reps, relieving Andrew. He tells her about the music in his head that happens when something life altering happens. She is uncomfortable and thanks him.

The balance of power has switched to Zelda. Stu discusses strategy, while Steffy tells Zelda that she was too harsh on Andrew. She seems to be resentful of what he has put her through with the Brooke date... until she gets a package from him. It's her name, in various license plate letters pasted together.

She stomps over and tells him she loves it. She wants to be exclusive, but no more games. He eagerly agrees.

Zelda suddenly has a big glory song.