'A to Z' Season 1, Episode 12: 'M is for Meant to Be' Recap

'A to Z'  Season 1, Episode 12: 'M is for Meant to Be' Recap Zelda is called into the office of one of her law firm's partners. She has been invited to become a partner, but has yet to give an answer. She explains that the timing is complicated.

A week ago:

Andrew calls Zelda and tells her his ex is in town for a few days. He asks if she would be okay with having Madeline stay at his place. Zelda asks a few questions and finds out Madeline is engaged, and is therefore fine with the two hanging out. Andrew says Madeline wants to meet her, and invites her over that evening.

Zelda goes to meet her and is horrified to find out that Madeline is super pretty, super fit, and also very successful. Worse, she has just broken up with her fiance.

Out later at a work gathering, Zelda confesses to Andrew that she's not thrilled about the new situation, and Andrew explains that the reason Madeline came to him after her breakup is because they have always been there for each other, both having mothers that passed away. He promises they are better as friends.

Overhearing, Stephie, Lydia, and Lora tell Zelda she is not overreacting - Madeline is definitely a boyfriend-stealer. They tell her to set Madeline up with someone to distract her as soon as possible.

Zelda introduces her to Jay, and the two seem to hit it off... though Andrew seems a little off about it, especially when he finds out Jay used to date Zelda. He thinks she's trying to prove a point. Madeline says she's not ready for anything, however, and poor Jay gets left alone.

At work Zelda comes into her office to find Stephie staring out the window, watching Madeline pick up pens from the floor in front of Andrew. Zelda calls him, frustrated, and tells him he's being naive. Andrew doubts it, but sits her down and tells Madeline they can't be together. Madeline is offended and says she was just their for friendship.

Meanwhile Zelda is explaining the situation to Jay, who misinterprets, and kisses Zelda. Andrew is furious when she tells him. He tells Stu, who puts together a posse to go and attack Jay. When he opens the door though, they find him in a Marine outfit (it's fake, to get on a gameshow).

Zelda goes to Andrew's house and finds Madeline prepping to leave. She explains what happens. Madeline tells her that she was absolutely right - she was trying to get Andrew back. Once she saw how much Andrew loved Zelda, though, she decided to back off. She tells the story of locking eyes with Andrew and then running into him later - how Andrew said it was "meant to be." Weird. That's the same thing he said to Zelda.

In their respective offices, the two fight over the phone about that. Zelda wants to know that somehow they are different, but Andrew can't offer her anything to convince her. She tells him she was offered a partnership, but it means moving to New York. She didn't know what to do until he said that. The job is a sure thing, and he isn't.

Zelda tells the partner she will take the position.

She goes on a trip to New York to see the office and scope things out. Looking out her new window, she sees someone that looks vaguely like Andrew in the next building.

Stu takes Andrew out to cheer him up, but ends up at the place he and Zelda had their first date. Andrew goes to call Zelda, but as he is leaving her a message, she walks in, wearing the silver dress. She tells him she didn't like the view from her office.

Stu and Stephie congratulate themselves on bringing them both together again.