'A to Z' Season 1, Episode 12: 'L is for Likeability' Recap

'A to Z'  Season 1, Episode 12: 'L is for Likeability' Recap Andrew's father shows up unexpectedly for a visit, and to meet Zelda... but Andrew lies and says she is out of town. Stu confronts him and Andrew points out that his dad Pete has a way of accidentally scaring off his girlfriends.

Pete, however, uses his new drone that he is showing off to check out Zelda's office, and catches Andrew in his lie.

Lydia and Dane are collaborating... personally and professionally. She has a new idea where members can only cancel in person. He wants to run it past corporate, but thinking that they are past that stage, she has already put it in place, thinking no one will want to come to the office and cancel. Stephie is her first error, coming to cancel immediately.

During dinner with Pete, already he is starting to say inappropriate stuff. Andrew enlists Stu to talk about approved topics. It doesn't work. However, Pete and Zelda seem to be on the same level, and hitting it off. Andrew is relieved things are going well, but finds out that Pete doesn't like Zelda and is only pretending. He says she's fine but that Andrew could do much better.

Zelda thinks she nailed it, but gets it out of Andrew that she fell short. She freaks out. She needs Pete to like her.

Andrew asks Pete about it, and Pete says that simply Andrew could do better. It comes out that his long-term girlfriend Barb has left him. He wants to spend more time with Andrew... hence pushing Zelda away. Zelda, who has brought a suck-up cake, is happy to find out she is still likeable.

Zelda wants Andrew to patch things up with Pete. He reluctantly agrees, secretly excited to finally spend a little time with his dad. At the batting cages, however, Pete calls and cancels - Barb wants to get back together. Zelda comes down to the cages and tells Andrew to tell his father how he feels, but he refuses. Zelda calls Pete and yells at him. He's there, though.

Lydia and Dane fight like cats and dogs over her idea. Finally he admits it's a good idea, but he can't show her preferential treatment.

Pete apologizes to Andrew for ditching him, and says that Barb brings out the worst in him. So he called it off entirely. He thinks he's just looking for someone to make him as happy as Andrew's mom did... and he thinks Zelda is a keeper.

Zelda and Pete set him up a profile on Wallflower.