'A to Z' Season 1, Episode 11: 'K is for Keep Out' Recap

'A to Z'  Season 1, Episode 11: 'K is for Keep Out' Recap Andrew and Zelda are at a new, fragile, and beautiful stage of their relationship... complicated by Zelda living with Stephie, and Stephie's new boyfriend Joseph staying over all the time.

A failure to notice a glitch in the program has prompted corporate to come in and keep an eye on Wallflower. Lydia is infatuated with the man, named Dane. She makes Lora girl talk with her and admits her crush - and that she crashed the server so Dane would have to come see her.

Zelda and Andrew debate on how to get some alone time, since Stu will inevitably interrupt them at Andrew's, and Stephie at Zelda's. Zelda has a brain wave, and gives Stu a second ticket to go to a basketball game with Joseph. They are enjoying a nice dinner together when Stephie bursts in to yell at them about setting Joseph up on a man date with Stu. They are now best friends.

As soon as Stephie leaves, Stu comes home.

The next day Andrew attempts to gently suggest that Stu leave for the day so he can have some time with Zelda. Stu is offended and suggests that Andrew find his own place if he wants to be alone so badly.

Andrew hunts for a new place while Stu decides that Joseph will be his new roommate. He calls Zelda and tells her to meet him at a place. She shows up, and is under the impression that he's inviting her to move in with him.

Now Stephie is upset, because Joseph has decided he'll just stay with her if Zelda is moving out. Zelda is completely freaked out about it, but both decide that the best thing to do for each is to go along with the situation.

Stu, surprisingly, also encourages Andrew to "make the leap."

Lydia gets Lora to go up to Dane and ask him out for her... however Lora isn't perfectly clear, and Dane thinks she is asking him out. Lydia uses Dinesh to get back at them both, and Dane admits that he is interested in Lydia, not Lora. The two go out. Lora ends up sleeping with Dinesh.

Andrew and Zelda go to sign on their new place but neither one can seem to put a signature down. Stephie and Stu show up, and it comes out that no one actually wants to go through with this. Both are relieved.

Stu and Stephie combine forces and leave a nice dinner for Andrew and Zelda, and say they're going to leave them alone for three days.