'A to Z' Pilot Recap

'A to Z'  Pilot Recap A narrator introduces the main characters - Andrew, a guy's guy, who is secretly a romantic. His mother died when he was young and he maintains that his parents' relationship was perfect. He works at an Internet dating company.

And Zelda, a girl's girl, who likes order and control. Growing up with wild parents she has her dating defenses way up.

The narrator tells us these two will date for 8 months, 5 days, and 3 weeks.

At Andrew's company, the boss is reminding employees that happy marriages from the site are bad, as they mean less profits.

Zelda goes into the building for a meeting, and Andrew and his best friend Stu spot her. He is struck, and finally goes over there. She thinks he looks familiar, but can't place him. She tells him she is hoping to get her money back for her dating experiences. He leads her around, trying to flirt, but she pointedly tells him she's not interested in dating.

He misses her leaving his boss' office and is upset, but then she calls him - her office next door actually overlooks her desk. She thinks that's why she recognizes him (the narrator informs us this is not correct).

They Internet flirt, text, and finally, set up a date.

As they have a drink, Zelda recognizes a band playing music and says she was at their show in 2012 with an ex. Andrew is amazed - he was there as well, and recalls seeing a girl in a silver dress, who he wished he could be with. He is sure it was Zelda, and gets excited about destiny and "meant to be." Zelda panics and tells him she doesn't own a silver dress, and leaves.

Stu tells Andrew he's being stubborn, like he was about a documentary saying that hoverboards were real after "Back to the Future" came out. Andrew insists that hoverboards are real, and that he is sure Zelda was that girl.

Zelda's friend Steffy wonders why Zelda panicked, and makes her realize she overreacted.

At work, Andrew recruits two programmers to stalk Zelda online and find some kind of proof that she was there.

At lunch, he runs into Zelda in the office park (as well as Steffy running into Stu, who she had just slept with and lied about who he was). She tries to apologize to him, but the programmers run up with all her information, and she is disgusted. They show him that she was at another show that weekend, not the same one as him, and in a different dress.

Driving home, Andrew sees a Q and A with Lea Thompson, and asks her about the hoverboards. She tells her the documentary wasn't real.

Steffy, in a rage over Stu, rants on about him and also what a creep Andrew is. Zelda thinks he was just trying too hard, and lets that sink in, that he was putting in so much effort.

Late at night she calls his office, and admits that her ex made her see both shows, and she did wear a silver dress. And she remembered him when he mentioned it. He hangs up.

They run into each other outside, and he asks why she didn't tell him the truth. She says it would mean admitting she was wrong about a lot of things. She asks for another chance. He kisses her.

And then there's Lea Thompson on a hoverboard.