'Zero Hour' Season 1, Episode 2: 'Face' Recap

'Zero Hour'  Season 1, Episode 2: 'Face' Recap White Vincent’s car pulls up. He shoots the pilot. Hank confronts him and asks him if his wife is alive. He gets punched out of the way.

Beck is looking through a journal when she hears the men enter. She slips it into her cot.

White Vincent’s flashlight falls on the frozen Hank. He tells Hank it messes with one’s head, and takes the pocket watch off of the dead man.

Beck holds her gun to him. Vincent tells her if he kills him, they will never know where to find Laila. Vincent tells Hank he will give him Laila back if he keeps Beck from killing him. They demand he tell them what is going on but he won’t.

They move toward his car. He tells Beck he doesn’t remember what he did to her but he hasn’t seen hate in a woman’s eyes like that before. He pulls away, and clicks a button which blows up his car. As Hank and Beck recover, he steals the watch back and takes the plane. Meanwhile the ice is broken, and the Nazi shanty slides into the water. Beck calls for a rescue.

Beck is in the city. She tells Hank she will be in a lot of trouble. She should have killed Vincent. He tells her they are no longer a partnership.

Hank goes back to work, greeted with hugs from Rachel and Arron. He explains to them what has transpired. He believes Laila is alive, and now he knows he has to get to him before the FBI or they will kill him. He prints pictures of what he saw.

The priest comes in, his neck bandaged.

Vincent tells the gagged Laila that he has large amounts of lye and will be leaving soon, suggesting he will just leave her body in the pre-paid apartment. He shows her the watch and asks her to help him with it, but she doesn’t know anything.

The group tries to work things out. Arron and Rachel tell them that the clock maker thought whatever he was protecting would start the end of the world. The priest tells them that everyone thinks something or another will bring on the end of the world. He talks about the angels in the Bible—first comes sores, then blood—which portends the end of the world.

Hank has him look at pictures, and the priest said it is the clock of Doubting Thomas. They look at pictures of the watch Vincent stole, which has small spots lit up. The gears show that it is not supposed to work. They decide it is a constellation map. They use the time on the clock as the date, and it gives them the location—India.

Vincent leaves the apartment, booking his flight to India. Beside the tub, the lye barrels are empty.

Rachel tells Hank he is off and demands more information. He fills them in on the man that looks exactly like him. They want to know about the journal the FBI has. He refuses to be in contact with them, but Rachel says she will go.

Beck is at home; thinks don’t seem to be going well. Rachel shows up at her door, having found her on the Internet. Beck’s apartment is full of unfinished paintings from her dead husband. She says she lives with ghosts.

Rachel asks about her tattoos, which are all in different languages. She explains she and her husband were intellectuals and philanthropists until he was killed, and she started working for the FBI. She gives Rachel the journal and tells her it won’t help Hank find Vincent.

Beck asks Rachel to tell her how Hank is planning on going after Vincent. She tells her Vincent was going to kill him.

Hank calls the priest from India and tells him that he is heading toward a Basilica where Thomas was supposedly martyred.

Arron and a friend look online at images of pestilence. Arron tells him there are more diseases on earth now than ever. He looks at the journal Rachel brings him. He just happens to read German, and he picks out a name—Korbin Sturm. Rachel notices that a page from March is ripped out—the same date as the clock.

Hank asks a man at the church about his wife. He recognizes the picture of White Vincent. He takes him to where Vincent went into the slums. He warns Hank to watch out for the people.

Rachel looks up Korbin Sturm. He was part of research for Zero Hour.

They go to see a man who collects Nazi memorabilia. He has a film labeled Zero Hour. They watch the video, and see the man that looks like Hank. The man tells them conspiracy theorists think that Zero Hour was sent to look for the secret to life and death. On the video there is a little Indian girl. The man says she could supposedly talk to the dead. She disappeared from the history books.

Hank walks through the slums. He sees Vincent threatening someone. He grabs a stick, but when he looks up Vincent is gone. Large men stop him and choke him… but Beck stops them. She tells Hank she is there to make peace. She tells him she will arrest Vincent and they will get Laila.

Rachel calls and sends him the video of the little girl. She wonders if the little girl may actually be Thomas, and the one Vincent is looking for. Beck reminds Hank a woman and a Hindu as an apostle would break all the rules.

As Arron plays with the journal, he sees a small paper stuck into the cover. “For my wife” it is labeled.

Hank and Beck talk about the men who stopped him. Hank points out they didn’t rob him, so perhaps he was stopped for carrying a weapon. Perhaps they are protecting someone.

They go back, with offerings. They are not admitted, but they see the old woman through the doors. She gestures them in. They call her standing mother. She made a vow never to sit out of some sort of defiance. Hank wipes her white make up off, and sees the birthmark marking her as the child who speaks to the dead. He shows her the photos, and asks about a clock.

Beck translates. She was told if she ever saw his face, to destroy the clock. He asks who told her that—and she tells him he did.

Arron and Rachel read the letter. It is a love letter to Bartholomew (Korbin Sturm/Hank)'s wife. He tells her because of what he knows, he must leave her. He is a threat to God. He leaves her for the world, but he says he would do so again.

The old woman tells her that Hank came to her 70 years ago, and told her if she saw him again, it would prophesy the coming of the angel of death. Hank tries to get more information out of her. From behind, someone shoots at them, but Beck shoots back. They race after him. It is the Indian priest, with a rosicruciate cross. He dies.

Vincent goes to see the old woman, who suddenly sits on a bench, moving aside. Vincent moves away the rug she stood on, and it hides a compartment. He finds her clock.

Beck and Hank hear two shots, and see Vincent race away. They try to cut him off. Hank sees Vincent get into the car, which contains Laila. They scream at one another as Vincent drives off.

They go back to the old woman, who says she was wrong about which man was the angel of death. However the end of the world has started. She tells him she must end his quest or he will bring the apocalypse. He tells her he can’t do that, he can’t lose his wife.

They look at the river, where fisherman are cutting fish open and throwing the guts into the water, which is red with their blood. He tells Beck maybe the signs have been here, but no one noticed them.