'You're the Worst' Leaves Characters in Limbo

'You're the Worst' Leaves Characters in Limbo

Much like the frenetic characters at the center of the show, You're the Worst ended its third season on a major high that was immediately succeeded by a devastating low.

After proposing to Gretchen (Aya Cash) on a hilltop overlooking Los Angeles, Jimmy (Chris Geere) got so spooked by her calling him "family" that he ended up deserting her, fleeing the romantic proposal site in the car that took them there.

Though the notorious commitment-phobes have had their share of ups and downs, the look on Jimmy's face signaled to viewers that, perhaps this time, Jimmy's betrayal could be rooted in something deeper and less forgiving — a performance that Geere says he achieved thanks to creator Stephen Falk talking in his ear during the scene.

Read the rest of this article at The Hollywood Reporter.