You Tell Us: Should 'Scream 4' Have Used Original Opening Scene?

My generation often has this natural curiosity about how the movies we love come together. And DVD and Blu-Ray releases ultimately feed movie nerds' curiosities like a truckload of Johnsonville bratwursts that jack-knifes into a bear enclosure.

In some instances, few bonus materials get as interesting, thought-provoking or conversation-starting as when releases include alternate or extended opening or extended sequences.

Every so often, such a release comes along and we find that what hit the cutting room floor actually should've been left in; had Richard Kelley left in half what he left out of "Donnie Darko," fewer people would've probably bitched about how little sense that movie made.

Even more interestingly still, the "Fight Club" two-disc set includes not only an alternate line that 20th Century Fox begged David Fincher to change, but quite the amusing little story about how the studio then begged that Fincher change it back from the alternate take he shot at the studio's request.

With "Scream 4" hitting DVD and Blu-Ray Oct. 4, fans can check out an alternate take on the film's opening scene that changes up a few early kills. Watch the original below. Then watch the alternate take. Tell us in the comment section: which was the better take? Does the difference between the two make any difference whatsoever?