You Can't Get STDs from 'Biblically Correct' Sex, Says Phil Robertson of 'Duck Dynasty'

You Can't Get STDs from 'Biblically Correct' Sex, Says Phil Robertson of 'Duck Dynasty' A&E, what hath thou wrought?

It was bad enough when "Duck Dynasty" patriarch Phil Robertson used his reality TV fame to denounce homosexuality. Now, Robertson appears to be making medical claims.

"Biblically correct sex is safe," Robertson said during a sermon in Louisiana. "It's safe. You're not going to get chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, AIDS — if you, if a man marries a woman, and neither of you have it, and you keep your sex between the two of you, you're not going to get EVER sexually transmitted diseases."

Let's talk about the many reasons why that is hilarious.

First off, Robertson fails to take into account the fact that a number of STIs can be transferred via blood transfusions, sharing needles, etc. Oh, and there's the fact that STIs like HPV, HIV, herpes, or the noted chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis can be transferred during childbirth.

Even more ridiculous is the fact that Robertson makes a specific note of a man marrying a woman. In his world, "biblically correct" sex does not include sex between two men, so the implication here is that two married men with a clean bill of health could still contract STDs due to their sexuality.

What happens between two monogamous men who enter their relationship STD-free that causes them to suddenly and miraculously contract sexually transmitted diseases that doesn't happen in heterosexual couples, Phil? We would love to hear the science behind that one.

To that point, what protects heterosexual couples from the same dangers that any other person would face? Does Jesus wrap them in a magical God-condom every time they do it in their marital bed?

Anyway, just another bout of crazy from someone who should have never been allowed on his heavily scripted "reality" TV show in the first place.