Yidio's Readers Give 'Breaking Dawn' Two Thumbs Up on Facebook

Here at Yidio, we do a lot of “Twilight” and “Breaking Dawn” coverage. Not because we’re a bunch of hardcore Twi-Hards, but because we love our readers, and the simple fact is “Twilight” fans are everywhere, and they are as loyal as fans come.

Trust us Potter fans, they’re not to be trifled with.

That’s why when the early reviews from critics came out pretty much universally panning “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn,” we figured some of you would agree to disagree with the negative reviews.

And boy were we right. Hundreds of you wrote in your approval of the movie on our Facebook page. Overall, it sounds like most of you were really happy, though a common complaint had to do with the pacing of the film and the relative dumbness of the wolf attack scene.

Otherwise, it sure seems that most of those who commented on Yidio’s Facebook page would be willing to go back and see the movie another time or six.

Here are some of our favorite reviews and comments from those who went and saw the film at midnight screenings. If you haven’t seen it yet, be warned, there may be a few spoilers sprinkled about.

Ashley McNutt It was most definitely satisfying. They put more into it than the book could. Only true twilight fans can really appreciate it like I did. I usually like the books more but this movie to me was better :)

Sheila Villanueva Chevere I went to an advance screening on Thursday, and the movie was amazing and let me tell you i will see it again on Saturday with my sisters I want to see Edward again. I hate having to wait till Nov 2012 to see part 2 they should change it for the summer. I want to see more.

Priscilla Hall Loved it.....cheesy parts and all!!

Katie Matthews It was good other than the "pack mind" part. They sounded like transformers and it was weird and I couldn't stop laughing. I am Team Jacob too and I still thought it was stupid.

Stephanie Salyers-Ratcliff Some parts were a little corny (talking wolf pack) but overall it was great. Was hoping to see a little more steamy sex scenes (R rated) but thought it was caped off with, what I thought, was a great portrayal of the birth scene.

Sabrina Matlock I loved it this director stayed really close to the book. My face was so sore this morning from laughing I loved the imprint scene and the flashbacks the ending was a perfect cliffhanger. The only thing I hate is that we have 2 wait a whole year for the conclusion I'm thinking that would've been a perfect summer blockbuster

Marilyn Flores The movie was amazing! I felt as though I was holding my breathe the entire time! The wedding was breathe taking especially as she laid eyes on him and walked down the aisle . When Jacob imprints that moment was very intense. Bella dying was hard to see but when she started to turn that was beautiful! Bringing back the songs from the first movie made me wanna cry so hard. I swear these movies get so intense with everyone you see! It was so beautiful, left me thinking all night long!

Shellie Adams It completely blew my mind! By far the best movie so far and it was so true to the book! The acting was wonderful, and I especially loved how comfortable Kristen and Rob were together. It was fantastic! I can't wait to see it again!

Tiffany Lobato They did an AMAZING job. If you've read the book you know they included a lot of details even down to the foam cup she uses!! Great job everyone!!

What did you think of "Breaking Dawn"? Let us know in the comments or visit our Facebook page and join the discussion.