Yidio Question of the Day: Should Yidio Give Up Charlie Sheen for Lent?

Yidio Question of the Day: Should Yidio Give Up Charlie Sheen for Lent? Charlie Sheen might be winning, but in the media firestorm that has erupted around him, are we all on the verge of losing? Sometimes you can have too much of a good thing, which brings us to the Yidio Question of the Day:

Should Yidio Give Up Charlie Sheen for Lent?


Good lord, yes. My eyeballs are bleeding (tiger blood of course) from the amount of news that is being thrown at me from all angles about Charlie Sheen. I need at least one safe haven where I can go to escape the onslaught of radio, TV, and print stories about how crazy Charlie Sheen is. I don't need to know anything more about his "goddesses" or what he said about co-workers or what he ate for breakfast this morning. Yidio could be a shining beacon in a sea of Charlie Sheen gossip, a place where we can go to hear about other things that are going on in the entertainment world...things that have nothing to do with warlocks (unless they're from Harry Potter).


Give up Charlie Sheen? Never! You can't hope to stop that much #winning, you can only hope to contain it. Sure, Sheen is everywhere right now, but that's because of one simple fact: he's interesting. He's more interesting than anything else that's going on right now. Yidio's job is to report on the big stories in the entertainment world, and Charlie Sheen is the biggest of big stories at present. Besides, if people don't want to read about Sheen, they don't have to. They could even use an anti-Sheen application to block all Charlie Sheen-related content from their browsers if they want. We don't want to miss out when this thing all comes to a head, when Charlie Sheen dresses like a warlock and runs through the streets of Hollywood yelling about Gnarls Gnarlington and throwing Cleveland Indians-branded baseballs at people.


Steps can be taken to block Sheen from your life if that's what you want, so Yidio should continue to cover the Charlie Sheen meltdown. Yidio should be warned, though, that too many references to #tigerblood and #winning will bring about another hearing and a harsh sentence.

Who are we to judge? Tell us how you'd answer the Yidio Question of the Day (and whether you've had enough Sheen) on our Facebook page.