Yidio Question of the Day: Does Lindsay Lohan Even Deserve to be a Celebrity?

Yidio Question of the Day: Does Lindsay Lohan Even Deserve to be a Celebrity? In a week where every third word out of everyone's mouth seems to be about Lindsay Lohan, we pause to ask the Yidio Question of the Day.

Does Lindsay Lohan even deserve to be a celebrity?


Lindsay Lohan went from a precocious little girl starring in Disney movies like “The Parent Trap” and “Freaky Friday” to a well-regarded performance in the 2004 film “Mean Girls.” She fit right in on a guest role as one of Ugly Betty's high school enemies on the ABC show. Lohan’s spread as Marilyn Monroe in New York Magazine was smokin’ hot, and she’s got the same combination of stunning good looks and a tragic, troubled spirit as Marilyn. Besides, she’s like a bad accident on the expressway - you just can’t help but look.


Okay, “Mean Girls” was a good enough comedy, and it’s really too bad that whole Herbie movie redux thing never caught on, but Lindsay Lohan is an unbelievably bad actress. I mean did you see the incomparable atrocity that was “I Know Who Killed Me”? She took home the prize as worst actress at the Razzies for that role in 2007, and helped the film bring in 8 different worst awards that year. You could blame it on a bad agent picking a bad script, but let’s be honest, Lohan's guy isn't exactly inundated with scripts from directors like Darren Aronofsky or anything. I mean, let’s face it, Lindsay Lohan has not had a role that’s worth two steaming craps in a bucket for years, and she’s famous almost exclusively for being a massive and spectacular trainwreck.


With next to nothing to show from her career, and a recent history of arrests and substance abuse that has derailed her ability to find real, stable employment, I’d say Lindsay Lohan should no longer be even considered relevant. Get back to us when you’ve got your sh^& together, hon.

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