'X Factor' Video Watch the Top 4's Performances Recap

'X Factor' Video  Watch the Top 4's Performances Recap There's one good thing about the elimination of Drew and Rachel Crow the last couple of weeks: at least tonight, when one of the contestants is sent home, he or she won't be crying loudly and uncontrollably on stage (we hope).

The top four took the stage last night to perform two songs, including one chosen for them by the voters at home as part of the Pepsi Challenge. Mostly, that meant a lot of songs that were pretty obvious and slightly boring choices for the contestants, with the exception of "Fly" for Chris Rene, which was just plain silly.

Who did the best? Check out videos of all of last night's performances below and decide for yourself!

Marcus Canty

If you're placing bets on who is going home tonight, Marcus is the safest one to put your money on. That's not a knock to Marcus' talent (hey, he's a better vocalist than Chris Rene), but as LA Reid said last night, Marcus is a "three-time save song champion." Marcus has been in the bottom two three times and gotten through every time... and with the audience vote sending someone home tonight without any input from the judges, chances are Marcus' time is up.

Chris Rene

Chris Rene is the real wild card here. His vocals are, as Simon has pointed out again and again, the weakest in the competition at this point. But what he lacks in technique he makes up for in charm, style, originality, and one heck of a backstory. Would the audience ever be so heartless as to eliminate a guy who's out of rehab and just trying to get a new start on life with his son? Probably not, which is why Chris might win the whole competition.

Melanie Amaro

Melanie Amaro has an odd mix going for her: it's clear that she has the best pure pop voice in the competition, and has all along, really. But it seems she has struggled to find some kind of hook, an identity to present to the audience to get them to throw their support behind both her voice and her personality. Her recent change to her native accent seems to have helped (somehow), but it might take more than sounding like Rihanna to beat Josh and Chris.

Josh Kracjik

Josh might have the whole package in terms of what it takes to win: his voice is different enough to be interesting, but not so out there as to be alienating. He has a backstory that plays up his age, and America loves a second chance. He fits in a genre that separates him from Melanie, so that comparing the two is like apples and oranges (probably good for Josh). On the other hand, he has Nicole as his mentor. They should probably downplay that fact if they want Josh to win.