'The X Factor' Season 2, Episode 4 Recap - 'Auditions #4'

'The X Factor' Season 2, Episode 4 Recap - 'Auditions #4' The auditions are in Greensboro, North Carolina today, as the "X Factor" tour of towns you've never heard of continues. At least they make a point of it this time, noting how empty the town is. L.A. thinks that the location might provide some hidden talent. Simon, meanwhile, goes and gets grits, and then gives us his best southern accent.

Willie Jones has a pretty killer flat top, and is the first one up today. He makes a big point of being from Louisiana, so there goes the theory that all the talent is hidden in Greensboro. They could have easily gone to St. Louis. Willie, who is decked out in a very "Fresh Prince" outfit (as Demi puts it), launches into a country song, much to the surprise of pretty much everyone.

He has a nice smooth tone, and can really hit the low notes, but there's nothing particularly amazing about his voice. Still, the impressive low range, the novelty of a black country singer who dresses like 90's Will Smith, and Willie's charming personality is enough to put him through to boot camp.

Julia Bullock is in a band with her ex-boyfriend. Ha. They actually do a "flashback" to earlier showing the band breaking up over Julia auditioning. She does "Pumped Up Kicks," which is a popular choice this season (it was on "The Voice" too this week) despite it not having much range to it. Nonetheless, the reaction for Julia is overwhelming. They keep cutting to her bandmates looking upset. Hilarious.

And now, an in-show Pepsi commercial! All of the contestants, and the judges, try four different Pepsi flavors! And since we can't taste them, it's totally uninteresting!

Krysten Colon attempts an Adele song, much to Simon's chagrin. Luckily it's not any of the big hits, but Simon still stops her. This is interesting: he says she's too "sound-alike" and he's getting too much Adele and not enough Krysten. So, he asks her to come back later with her take on a classic song. This seems legit and not a pre-planned bit: Krysten offers a gospel song and he says no, and Krysten is visibly shaken. She pretty much has to be put through next time, right?

Jeffrey Gutt gets his non-host interview in line from other contestants: do they really pick these people out of the line, or hire them? I'm curious. His son is adorable. Secret weapon!

Jeffrey does "Hallelujah" like a a guy who has listened to too many late 90's alternative bands. There's a really good voice under there somewhere, but he's covering it up with crap. Still, everyone is very impressed, and the crowd gives him an extended ovation. Britney gives him a golf clap. Four yeses.

There's an extended storm montage now, as they try to make it look like lighting is striking the arena and making the power go out. Only one set of lights go out, though, so EXPLAIN THAT, GUYS. There is also, I kid you not, some CGI storm clouds at the end.

So Krysten comes back out and does Whitney Houston. She has commited two cardinal sins: doing Adele and doing Whitney. She's pretty awful this time, which is not that surprising considering she had to learn this song in one day. They shut down the lights again. Annoying. Anyway, she gets four no's.

Krysten throws a fit backstage, and her mom says "you said you weren't going to do this," implying that this is something Krysten does often. I am now no longer on her side. She then proceeds to throw water at the camera and almost threw a chair, if her mom hadn't stopped her. "I apologize," says her mom. Yeah.

They almost never end on a no, so we must be in the second act of the auditions, here. One more week, maybe? Let's hope... the sooner we get to the live shows, the better.