'The X Factor' Results Find Out Who Made the Top 4! Recap

'The X Factor' Results  Find Out Who Made the Top 4! Recap "The X Factor" has employed an interesting style the past couple of weeks. They're getting right down to business at the top of the show, rather than giving us lengthy clip packages with canned statements.

Kinda refreshing, honestly. What's not so refreshing, though, is tonight's musical guest: Lenny Kravitz. I know he's probably aiming to make a comeback with his soon-to-be "Hunger Games" fame, but come on now.

His first song is the same old Kravitz crap... about three different notes throughout and uninspired lyrics. It's practically indiscernable from "Are You Gonna Go My Way," which he transitions into later.

Now comes the clip package. We run through last night's performances, both the 10-second dance numbers (they seemd like 10 seconds) and the other songs. Quick comments from the judges reveal that they all saw Chris Rene as last night's standout performance, pretty much across the board.

More backstage segments, and this time we're focusing on the stylists and wardrobe people backstage. One of them, I kid you not, is named Kristofer Buckle. That's a stylist's name if I've ever heard one. His career was decided the day he was named.

Results time! Josh is the first name read, and it's not much of a surprise. He's a pretty solid bet to win at this point, barring any shenanigans. Chris Rene is the second to go through, also not a surprise following his performance of an original number last night.

Back from break, the awkward backstage interview with Rachel, Melanie and Marcus as they await the rest of the results. Rachel may be a diabolical genius: I think she's making herself tear up a bit. She knows Paula and Nicole will fall for that hook line and sinker. I'm convinced Rachel will bust Melanie's kneecaps if she has to.

Mary J. Blige brings the whole affair down a couple of notches with her performance. She falls a little flat on the high note. What gives, Blige? Ah well, at least she isn't lip-syncing.

Final results, and Melanie is the one to go through. That's a bit of a surprise, as Rachel always seemed to have the crowd behind her a little more than Melanie. And someone said in a movie once, "win the crowd, win your freedom." That doesn't really apply perfectly here, but you get the idea. However, with rumors of Rachel getting a Disney deal after the competition, I had my suspcions that she might lose votes.

So it'll be Marcus and Rachel in the bottom two. Rachel seems to actually be crying now, but nowhere near Drew levels. Good lord, let's hope we don't have to see that again if she goes home. But honestly, Rachel would have to screw up this save song pretty badly to be send packing... the judges just love her too much. Then again, Paula's a bit of a wild card here, and she's partial to those with choreography.

Marcus is the first one to SING FOR SURVIVAL (it would be better if there were lions on stage), and he goes back to a song he's done before, "I'm Going Down." Why not? Mary J. Blige is in the house tonight. When in Rome.

Sorry everyone, I think I have "Gladiator" on the brain.

Rachel comes out and does a song that she's sung before too... did the contestants just not have time to prepare a save me song? Whatever, it doesn't matter: Rachel is just on the verge of tears throughout "I'd Rather Be Blind" and absolutely slays it. She destroyed that song. That song was Joaquin Phoenix and she was Russell Crowe.

Time for the votes. LA, for at least the third time, pretends to be "really torn" about this decision. Of course he sends Rachel home. Simon, bless him, follows that with "what's the point in saying anything?" and then sends Marcus home. THANK you. Paula rather quickly sends Marcus home as well.

The camera cuts to Nicole, who looks like she just witnessed a murder. She does her best Paula impression and says something in the vein of "I duh, I don't duh, I...I d--uh, want, I wuh." She finally manages to send Rachel home and bring this thing to a deadlock. No graphic on the screen this time.

SHOCKER! The audience vote was actually weaker for Rachel, which means she's going home. When she hears that, she looks like someone just stabbed her. Her eyes go wide and she's completely expressionless, and then she collapses to the ground. Nicole is sobbing. Very quickly, Rachel starts sobbing as well, about at the same levels as Drew. This is what you get, I suppose, when you break the heart of a 13-year-old on television.

Rachel, bless her, manages to calm down and give a heartfelt if not jumbled statement, thanking her fans and her family. Steve then walks over to Nicole, who is trying her best to look devastated, and asks, "Nicole, is there anything you want to say?" There is a chorus of boos. Nicole dramatically shakes her head no and turns away. Steve says "Nnnnope." I love this guy.

So our final four are Melanie, Josh, Chris and Marcus, against all odds. That makes three times in the bottom two for Marcus, twice of which he has gotten through thanks to the deadlock.

What happened here? Lord knows (I've given up trying to guess how the audience will vote each week), but I have a couple of theories. One, the aforementioned Disney interest. With that story circulating, the voting audience might have viewed Rachel as less deserving of the prize since she likely has a deal waiting for her. Two, God probably has something to do with it. Marcus has been the church boy for a while now, and it seems to have given him just enough voting support to survive against LeRoy and Rachel in the deadlock.

Well, that's unfortunate, because Rachel was perhaps the most entertaining of the remaining performers. Josh is great, but he's not much for energy, and while Melanie is a terrific singer, she's still kinda boring. Chris is the opposite: charismatic but not much of a singer. Marcus has the whole package, but the package is just mediocre. And no, I don't mean it like that.

One thing is certain: barring some kind of miracle, Marcus is totally doomed next week. He'll be gone faster that Maxiumus' wife and son.