'The X Factor': Melanie Reveals Her Accent, Wins Over Judges

'The X Factor': Melanie Reveals Her Accent, Wins Over Judges It was a night of emotional manipulation last night on "The X Factor," as the assignment for the contestants was to perform a song for a person that they were thankful for. That meant, of course, that each performance was preceded by a heartstring-tugging clip featuring interviews with each contestant's family members and friends.

For most contestants, this was a chance to reveal a little more of their personal story to the audience at home, which means that they can attempt to win votes by making it personal with the viewers.

Many contestants, like Rachel Crow, revealed new details about their lives that we hadn't heard before: Crow's mother related her story of adopting Rachel from an abusive home.

Melanie Amaro seemed at first to want to avoid making things too personal. She chose to thank God instead of a family member, but revealed a childhood that involved some trouble fitting in, as she moved to the states from the Virgin Islands and had a thick accent.

But after Amaro's performance, she tearfully expressed her thanks for being on the show and, before the judges could even give her any comments, started speaking with her native accent, saying, "This is Melanie."

Check out the video of Melanie's performance of R Kelly's "The World's Greatest" and her spiel to the judges: