'The X Factor' Contestants Clean Up Nice: See Their Make-Over Pics!

'The X Factor' Contestants Clean Up Nice: See Their Make-Over Pics! After the tumultuous week of "Judges' Homes" episodes, the final 16--er, 17 contestants on "The X Factor" have finally been chosen, as the mentors narrowed down their choices in the Boys, Girls, Over 30s, and Groups categories (follow the links for videos of all the finalists' performances).

Now, it's make it or break it time.

As the contestants will tell you over and over again in their in-show interviews, this is the opportunity of a lifetime and it can change your life and it's a dream come true and they've dreamed of this moment and holy crap $5 million is a lot of money.

The goal here for the mentors is to turn one (or preferably more) of the finalists into "global stars." None of this "American Idol" crap where they sing the national anthem a few times and call it a career. No sir. Global stars. And the first step toward global stardom is a makeover.

So, Fox has release brand-new photos of the 17 finalists, all dolled up and featured in their very own glamorous photoshoots. Rachel Crow's goofy photo (see left) is exceptionally and predictably cute, Tiah Tolliver (below) is looking fierce (take that, Simone Battle), and they backed off from Josh Kracjik a bit to make him presentable. Poor Josh.

Then there's Astro with those Dwayne Wayne glasses. Wow.

Check out the full set over at THR.