Woody Allen Concert Disrupted by Topless Protestors

Woody Allen Concert Disrupted by Topless Protestors

Feminist activists, topless and covered in writing condemning Woody Allen for alleged child abuse, stormed the stage of the Hamburg philharmonic Tuesday night, disrupting a concert Allen was giving with his New Orleans Jazz Band.

Two protestors from the extreme Femen group —who have grabbed headlines before or their provocative nude protests—ran onto the stage of the sold-out Elbphilharmonie concert hall 21 minutes into the performance. Last week, the venue played host to President Donald Trump and the attendees of the G20 conference.

The two activists tried to read a letter from Allen's adoptive daughter Dylan Farrow, who has accused the Oscar-winning director of abusing her when she was 7 years old. But security guards pulled them offstage before they had a chance.

Read the rest of this article at The Hollywood Reporter.

Woody Allen recently directed and starred in the series Crisis in Six Scenes.