Women Boycott Twitter Over Rose McGowan Suspension

Women Boycott Twitter Over Rose McGowan Suspension

On Wednesday night, Twitter initiated a 12-hour suspension of the account of Charmed star Rose McGowan. McGowan had previously launched several tweets critical of disgraced movie producer Harvey Weinstein, Ben Affleck, Casey Affleck, and others, and it at frist looked as if she was being suspended for violating Twitter's rules that prohibit personal attacks. That sparked accusations of unfair treatment, given that Twitter refuses to suspend the account of Donald Trump, who frequently tweets personal attacks, insults and threats.

Twitter later clarified that it had suspended McGowan's account because she had included someone's private phone number in a tweet.

That didn't satisfy many critics, though, and soon a movement was afoot to boycott the service. Several Hollywood stars, including Alyssa Milano, Chrissy Teigen and Kathy Griffin, pledged to refrain from tweeting for a whole day in support of McGowan.

Via New York Post.

A slew of high-profile women — including New York First Lady Chirlane McCray — vowed to boycott Twitter on Friday over the suspension from the site of actress and Harvey Weinstein accuser Rose McGowan.

#WomenBoycottTwitter became the top-trending hashtag on the site Thursday night with the likes of Alyssa Milano, Chrissy Teigen, Kathy Griffin — and even male stars like Mark Ruffalo — saying they’d steer clear of Twitter for one day.

McGowan, a key figure in the burgeoning Harvey Weinstein sexual harassment scandal, was locked out of Twitter for about 12 hours late Wednesday into Thursday.

“There are powerful forces at work,” McGowan wrote on Instagram, alleging that she was being silenced for her activism.

Twitter insisted she was booted temporarily for publishing a private phone number among a large number of tweets criticizing Weinstein and anyone who was not critical of him.

Get the rest of the story at the New York Post.

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