Woman Charged After Breaking Into Home Of 'X Factor' Judge Simon Cowell

Woman Charged After Breaking Into Home Of 'X Factor' Judge Simon Cowell A woman has been arrested and charged after she got far, far too close to "The X Factor" judge, creator and executive producer Simon Cowell this past weekend.

Leanne Zaloumis, 29, faces aggravated burglary charges following her Monday court appearance in London, according to E! News. This past Saturday, she allegedly broke into Cowell's London home, where the prime time talent-search personality found her hiding in a closet wielding a brick.

E! News reports that Cowell came home around 10:30 PM Saturday night and heard a loud "bang" from an upstairs bathroom closet. Personal security detained her while Cowell awaited police. Officers found blood stains on the bathroom's floor.

"She had smashed her way in through the window and it was unclear how long she had been there or what she was doing," Cowell spokesman Max Clifford told The (U.K.) Sun.

She'll make an encore court appearance June 12.

In a way, we should all feel a little bit envious.

Sure, she broke the law. Sure, she scared at least a modicum of snark out of one of the most notorious TV personalities on two continents. Sure, she's probably doing jail time.

But that woman has something that none of us will ever have. It's something that no one can ever take away, either.

She has a story that will include the line, "So it's Saturday night, and there I am bleeding and holding a brick while I'm hiding in Simon Cowell's closet."

This is only going to get better once we find out what she was hoping she'd accomplish.