Wind Collapses Tent On 'Game Of Thrones' Set, Injures Five

Wind Collapses Tent On 'Game Of Thrones' Set, Injures Five Mother Nature let things get a little out of hand during the shooting of the second season of HBO's "Game of Thrones," reports AOL.

Cast and crew for the acclaimed freshman cable drama were breaking for lunch Monday on the rural Northern Ireland set when gusting winds brought down the tent under which some were already gathering to eat. Hurricane Katia's path across the Atlantic has sent some nasty, windy weather toward the Northern Ireland coast.

Conditions started getting really nasty right around noon.

One crew member told the Belfast Telegraph that the wicked winds had nixed the day's shoot, and that was why everyone had gathered and started eating.

 "It all happened so quickly. The floor started to come up, then the side rose up, the roof took off and beams starting falling down. ... It was definitely a bit more drama than we were expecting," recounted the crew member. Another BBC source added that diners started taking shelter beneath tables as the winds picked up. Sources say that four unidentified men and one woman were treated for minor injuries and released from Causeway Hospital.

Second-season shooting on the acclaimed drama began this past July. One estimate has the production generating roughly 800 local jobs, between actors and crew, as well pumping around $19 million in general spending on the production into Northern Ireland's economy as a whole.