Which 'True Detective' Co-Stars are Rumored to be an Item?

Which 'True Detective' Co-Stars are Rumored to be an Item? "True Detective" may not be the kind of show to generally inspire squeals of girlish delight, but rumor has it that life behind the scenes is a whole other story, so we will just go ahead and jump up and down with excitement.

Why? Because the perfection of Rachel McAdams is reportedly dating her co-star, Taylor Kitsch!

Last month the beautiful Canadian pair was spotted dining together in West Hollywood, and now several insider sources have confirmed that it's more than just a friendly professional relationship budding between the two.

"I don't know if it's full-blown love yet, but they talk constantly," said a friend of the duo. Another adds that the two have been "friends for years," and have grown closer during filming.

This flies in the face of a comment McAdams had previously made regarding the pitfalls of dipping into the office ink.

“A set may seem like a good place for romance, but I don’t think it’s very conducive; it’s too distracting,” she said. “Every relationship I’ve had with a coworker comes after the fact.”

Well, our favorite romances are the ones that fly in the face of logic and reason, so we have our fingers crossed. Particularly since McAdams' love affairs of the past have been busts - obviously we all still mourn the day she and Ryan Gosling called it quits, but McAdams also broke up with "Midnight in Paris" co-star Michael Sheen (reportedly because the actor wasn't ready to settle down), and more recently (and quietly), Jake Gyllenhaal, who a friend notes she "definitely dated" in April.

Kitsch, meanwhile, recently broke up with fitness instructor Jennifer Welch, so let's hope that this is not just a rebound situation. Kitsch, don't hurt our girl!

“It hasn’t been long,” says another insider. “But it’s serious.”

What do you think of this new couple alert? Hit or miss?