We Would Totally Watch 'Game of Thrones' As Disney (Or Simpsons) Characters

We Would Totally Watch 'Game of Thrones' As Disney (Or Simpsons) Characters "Game of Thrones" is a great show, but sometimes it's just a little too dark, ya know? Luckily, we have the Internet to help out with that.

DeviantArt user Nandomendonssa has created two "Game of Thrones" posters, imagining what the show would look like if Disney made it into an animated feature. The result is surprisingly perfect.

One poster takes on Tyrion Lannister, who is depicted in better times, lounging on a pillow and enjoying some wine. The other imagines Jon Snow as a Disney character, and gives him a cute squirrel sidekick in addition to his direwolf, Ghost.

Though this is the first Disney-style reimagining of the GoT characters to go viral, it's not the first animated one. Another artist and DeviantArt user, Adrien Noterdaem, took many of the major players in the "Game of Thrones" cast and "Simpsonized" them, drawing them as if they were characters in "The Simpsons."

Noterdaem's first set of Simpsonized "Thrones" characters came out last year, but another set recently surfaced that includes some of the big season four players, including Lady Olenna, Margaery, Arya with her sword Needle, and Brienne, among others. There are even Simpsonized versions of each house sigil!

Check out all the artwork, both Disneyfied and Simpsonized, below: