'We Are Men' Pilot Recap

'We Are Men'  Pilot Recap A man races down the street as a narrator tells us about the defining moments that change everything. This was his defining moment.

The man runs into the church, where a couple is getting married. He declares his love, and the bride, after a pause, apologizes to the groom and rushes off with him.

Leaving our main character, Carter (Chris Smith), the groom, alone.

Now, two months later, Carter is hanging at a short-term apartment complex that seems to cater to divorced, dumped, or separated men. Men like:

Frank Russo, clothing manufacturer(Tony Shalhoub) Married multiple times. Gave up love after his fourth divorce.

Gil Bartis, small business owner (Kal Penn). Separated. He was caught having the world's worst affair. A year and a half later he still has hopes his wife will take him back.

St. Stuart Weber (Jerry O'Connell), who married and divorced a divorce attorney. On the second marriage, he went with a spiritual type, but then she decided to hire his ex and take all his money as well. Stuart is currently hiding his assets.

Carter is feeling less lonely, being around other guys who know what he's going through.

In the hot tub, the other men encourage him to go out and find a woman. Carter admits Sara was the only girl he's been with. He doesn't even have a job anymore; he was working for her dad, as a paint salesman.

They ask what he really wants to do, but he's not sure. He always wanted to coach basketball, but Sara made him give it up. Stuart has a friend at a high school, and puts in a call to see if he can help get Carter a coaching job.

They encourage him to forget about Sara later over drinks. They push him to go and talk to a girl, but he panics and walks past her.

They try again the next night. Frank introduces them to his pretty daughter, Abby, who talks basketball with Carter, but Frank informs all the guys she is off limits.

They go joy riding and eat burgers, while Carter revels in his freedom. He spent so much of his life doing what Sara wanted, like eating organic food from the farmer's market. He doesn't want the night to end. He suggests breaking into a Catholic school.

They play basketball until they are caught by a nun and have to give the school a donation.

Bolstered by his night, Carter thinks he is ready to put himself out there, and his friends are happy to help, throwing women at him, but the next morning, Carter has regrets. He gave up the ladies last night... he misses Sara and the life they built. Frank accuses him of being scared to live his own life. Carter tells them he doesn't want to end up like them, and storms off.

Gil comes and apologizes. He gave his wife space, and he waited too long. He encourages Carter not to wait too long. Perform a grand gesture.

Carter rushes off to find Sara. He goes into their house, looking for the man she is now with. Sara tells him they broke up two weeks ago. She'd been dying to call him but was too ashamed. Being away from him has made her realize she loves him.

They kiss and make up, as Gil is on a "date" with his daughter, Stu is arguing about divorce assets, and Frank is having a moment of introspection about his womanizing.

Carter is glad to have his old life back. He brings Sara back to the apartments to introduce her to the boys. The wedding is back on, and Carter is just returning for his stuff. Carter invites them to the wedding, and Sara says she has to check with her mother for wiggle room on the guest list. She goes off to find out.

Stu tells Carter he got him an interview for a JV basketball coach but Carter has to rush off to a farmer's market.

Back at the church, the wedding is starting over (the guys have not been invited). The guys fume about losing Carter, who has skipped his coaching interview and taken his old job back. The guys make a pact that none of them will let the other get into another crappy marriage again.

The boys run into the church as Carter and Sara are about to wed. They ask if it's sure what he wants. Carter considers. He doesn't want to be a paint salesman, or let Sara always talk him out of things. He wants to be sure she loves him for who he is and not some guy she wants him to be.

"Do you really want to throw your life away?" she demands.


The men run.

At the pool. Abby comes to get Frank, remembering Carter's name, to his pleasure. Frank reminds him no.