Adult Swim Kicks off April Fool's Day After Midnight with a Bad Movie Classic - 'The Room'

"You're tearing me apart, Lisaaaaaa!"

If that doesn't mean anything to you, then you haven't seen the awesomely bad movie "The Room." Tonight is your chance to be in on one of Hollywood's biggest jokes, as Adult Swim will be airing the movie in its entirety at 12:30am as part of their April Fool's Day tradition.

For the uninitiated, "The Room" is a movie (if you want to call it that) written, directed by, and starring Tommy Wiseau. Wiseau's script for "The Room" is an abomination: the dialogue is so bad it's nearly unintelligible, there's no plot to speak of, and major plot points are introduced and dropped for no reason.

"The Room" has gained a huge cult following because of how awful it is: each year, a screening of the film is hosted in Los Angeles (with Wiseau in attendance to answer questions), and the audience always gets a kick out of the sheer ridiculousness of it. The movie has been played on April Fool's Day for the last two years, and it fits right in. "The Room" is so hilariously bad that you'll think you're watching a really long sketch.

"The Room" is something you have to see to believe. Check out the clip below, and watch the whole movie tonight on Adult Swim (on Cartoon Network) at 12:30am.