Watch the 'Masters of Sex' Season 2 Trailer

Watch the 'Masters of Sex' Season 2 Trailer The new season of "Masters of Sex" is about six weeks away, so why not catch a sneak peek?

Buzzfeed has released the first trailer for the show's second season, which premieres on Showtime in July. It is, as you might expect, pretty provocative.

First of all, it looks like Bill and Virginia won't be apart for long. "We've participated in this study many times," says Michael Sheen's sex scientist Bill Masters in the trailer, "but at your apartment, something was...different."

Intercut with his short speech are some clips of Bill and Virginia (played by Lizzy Caplan) clearly continuing to "participate in the study" on their own terms, including at a hotel together masquerading as a married couple under different names.

Meanwhile, Libby is at home with Bill's newborn baby and the study, it seems, is back on. But with words like "affair" being thrown about, things could get ugly very quickly. The trailer doesn't reveal too much about how the study gets back up and running, or what becomes of Ethan, but they can't show us everything yet, can they?

Head over to Buzzfeed to check out the full exclusive trailer.