Watch Lady Gaga Get Smacked With A Pole

Watch Lady Gaga Get Smacked With A Pole Lady Gaga's Born This Way Ball tour was born under one seriously bad sign.

It's not like the Grammy winner hasn't probably been given enough migraines as one Asian stop after another is plagued by protests or outright cancelations inflicted by various religious groups' objections to her provocative stage show and lyrics.

New Zealand wasn't much luckier. E! Online has video today of Mother Monster taking a stiff whack to the head mid-performance, dealing her what she told the crowd she believed was a concussion.

As the YouTube clip below shows, she takes the blow during the song "Judas" when a crew member taking down a set piece brings a pole down atop her melon and sends her wobbling before being helped offstage.

Admittedly, it's not quite as funny as either of Justin Bieber's TKO losses to glass doors. The humor is somewhat lost to appreciation when it's taken into consideration that whereas a hard-ass rocker like Axl Rose once stormed off a Montreal stage due to mic difficulties and ignited a riot, Gaga kept doing her thing for 16 more songs.

"I want to apologize. I did hit my head and I think I may have a concussion but don't you worry, I will finish this show," Rolling Stone reports Gaga told the crowd.