Watch Kid Rock Welcome Mitt Romney To Michigan With 'Born Free'

Watch Kid Rock Welcome Mitt Romney To Michigan With 'Born Free' Platinum-selling country-ish rocker Kid Rock has been supporting Mitt Romney a while now. Recently, he took some time and finally did it in person.

Now, don't chuckle too hard. Amid presidential elections, there's sometimes a "any port in a storm" mentality toward getting celebrity backing among famous faces with some pull among targeted constituents. And so it is that Kid Rock performed Romney's official campaign song, "Born Free," during the GOP White House hopeful's recent stop in Royal Oaks, MI.

On the surface, they're an odd couple, indeed. Romney has a reputation as a straight-laced former Mormon ward bishop and Governor of Massachusetts. Rock has a reputation for multiple assault arrests including an infamous 2007 brawl in an Atlanta Waffle House, as well as lyrics like "See a slimmy in a 'Vette/roll down my glass/say 'Yeah this **** fits right in yo @$$'."

Then again, maybe it's not the differences that are important. Rock has long been an outspoken conservative, and both he and Romney are Detroit-area natives. And as Romney pointed out during the campaign stop, Rock has been introducing Romeny via pre-recorded message at campaign stops all along Romney's road to the GOP nomination.

Remember, everybody: things always could've been more awkward. Romney could've adopted another signature Kid Rock tune that would've proclaimed to the entire Republican base that the Michigan Mormon is in fact a certified "American Bad-Ass."