Watch John Oliver Launch Fish at Everyone on TV

Watch John Oliver Launch Fish at Everyone on TV Watching "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" can sometimes be very depressing. Oliver hits on some serious topics, like how the lottery system preys on the poor and gambling addicts, and so the show is often kind of a downer, despite how funny it is.

So naturally, a segment about a cannon that shoots fish is more than welcome.

On this week's show, Oliver reported on an invention that solves a particular problem: hydroelectric dams are stopping salmon from swimming upstream and reaching their spawning grounds. The scientific solution: the Salmon Cannon.

The device is even more fun to watch in action than it is to say its name. It's exactly what it sounds like: you put a fish in one end, and it gets sucked up a tube and shot out the other end. It's magnificent.

Oliver took the opportunity to create his own salmon cannon, with the remarkable ability to target just about anyone in television. That leads to fish being fired at Jon Stewart, Dwight Howard, Joel McHale, Homer Simpson, and countless others in an impressive cross-network effort to make this silly but somehow incredibly satisfying bit happen.

Check out the video below: