Watch a Hilarious Bad Lip Reading of 'American Idol'

Watch a Hilarious Bad Lip Reading of 'American Idol' If you've ever taken the time to mute "American Idol" and just watch people's faces as they sing, it's actually pretty funny. So when Bad Lip Reading added some dubbing over that, it's extra hilarious.

The latest video from the guys over at Bad Lip Reading takes moments from this season of "American Idol" and tries to read the contestants' and judges' lips. The results include some rambling about trains, a rock version of "Hickory Dickory Dock," and poor Caleb getting a bug stuck in his throat and no one stopping to help him.

Bad Lip Reading has hit the YouTube big time through their videos, which have lampooned everything from "Twilight" to "The Hunger Games" to "Game of Thrones" through incorrect dubbing.

Meanwhile, on the real "American Idol," the season just wrapped up this week with Caleb Johnson winning out over Jena Irene in the finale. The ratings for the show are a mixed bag: On one hand, the season 13 finale still pulled in more than 10 million viewers, which is a good number for any television show. However, that number is down from the 14 million that tuned in to last year's finale, and way down from the nearly 30 million that watched the season 10 finale.

Hey, who knows...maybe all they need is more songs about cooking Italian gravy.

Check out Bad Lip Reading's take on "American Idol" below: