Watch the 'Game of Thrones' Cast Sum Up the Show in 30 Seconds

Watch the 'Game of Thrones' Cast Sum Up the Show in 30 Seconds

"Game of Thrones" is a complicated show. There are all kinds of plots and schemes and different storylines going on, not to mention how many different characters there are to remember.

So, summing up the first four seasons of the show in 30 seconds or less isn't necessarily the easiest feat.

Nonetheless, Entertainment Weekly asked some of the show's cast members to do just that, and the result is pretty adorable.

Maisie Williams (Arya) posits that the whole show is just a cycle of murder and revenge, which is pretty accurate. Also accurate is Emilia Clarke's description, which mostly involves "blood and boobs," though since she's Danaerys she remembers to mention those dragons.

Then there's Kit Harrington, who very succinctly sums up Jon Snow's journey thus far: "Jon Snow gets progressively more upset."

The best of all is Peter Dinklage's hilarious description of the show, though. We'll let you hear that one for yourself.