Watch the Craziest, Most Disturbing 'Simpsons' Couch Gag Yet

Watch the Craziest, Most Disturbing 'Simpsons' Couch Gag Yet Last night's season premiere of "The Simpsons" was hyped up in promos for the promise that it would kill off a character. It delivered on that promise (we won't spoil who it was in case you haven't watched yet), but the episode's couch gag might have been even more shocking.

The gag featured Homer alone on the couch and messing with a futuristic-looking remote. As he banged on it, the remote sent him first back in time, changing his features to make him look like he did when the show premiered in the late 1980's.

Then, the remote sends Homer forward in time, and we see a strange representation of what "The Simpsons" (or, should we say, "The Sampsons") will look like in the far future.

The sequence was animated by Don Hertzfeldt, who became a big name on the Internet back before YouTube even existed for his animated short "Rejected." The couch gag sequence is very much in the same style: hand-drawn, squiggly lines with disturbing, nonsensical voice-overs and grotesque characters.

The gag takes a similar approach to the now-famous Banksy intro, which commented on the dangers of consumerism and sweatshop labor. Hertzfeldt's approach wonders what entertainment will be like in the far future, force-feeding us catchphrases and attempting to sell us products both subliminally and not so subliminally.

It's brilliant. It's weird. It's more than a little disturbing.

Check out the Don Hertzfeldt couch gag below: