Watch Conan O'Brien's Speech on George Lopez's Cancellation

Watch Conan O'Brien's Speech on George Lopez's Cancellation While George Lopez took some time on "Lopez Tonight" to lighten the mood after the sudden cancellation of his show, Conan O'Brien decided to get serious on his.

Conan took a moment during last night's episode to offer his condolences to Lopez and his cast and crew following the news. "Tonight all our thoughts are with George and his entire staff and crew. We understand, believe me, how hard this is for all of you and we wish you all the best," said Conan.

Of course, O'Brien and Andy Richter are no strangers to the feeling of being cancelled: the fiasco at NBC that had O'Brien replacing Jay Leno and then subsequently having the job taken away from him taught them just how bad it can be when a show gets pulled.

"Had it not been for George being so incredibly supportive of me, I would not have come to TBS and we would be not doing this show. I owe that man a lot," O'Brien added.

Watch Conan's speech about the "Lopez Tonight" cancellation.