Watch the Cast of 'Community' Play a Heated Game of Trivial Pursuit

Watch the Cast of 'Community' Play a Heated Game of Trivial Pursuit File this one under "even more entertaining than you thought it would be": the cast of "Community" playing Trivial Pursuit Pop Culture Edition.

To commemorate (for lack of a better word... what's the opposite of "celebrate?") the final episode of "Community" before the indefinite hiatus that NBC has given the show, New York magazine decided to get the cast members together and have them play a game of Trivial Pursuit. Since the show is so pop culture heavy, why not test the actors' knowledge of things like the name of the dog in "Fraggle Rock?"

Highlights include Donald Glover noting how the questions seem to be divided into black and white, Gillian Jacobs knowing the most obscure Anne Hathaway trivia thanks to NPR, victory dances, and pretty much everything that Chevy Chase says in the entire video.

The final episode (for now, we hope) of "Community" airs tonight on NBC at 8:00pm, and is set to openly mock the ratings-rich but critic-poor "Glee," as evidenced by a recent preview clip. If you've never watched before, tonight is the night to give it a try. Hey, if you hate it, you might never have to see an episode again anyway.

Watch the cast of "Community" play some pop culture trivia below: