Watch Bieber, Clooney and Cruise in Billy Crystal's Oscar Video and Opening Monologue

Watch Bieber, Clooney and Cruise in Billy Crystal's Oscar Video and Opening Monologue Billy Crystal was back to host the Oscars this year, and it just wouldn't be right if he skipped his usual opening video inserting himself into this year's movies and his song running through the nominees, would it?

Of course it wouldn't. That's why he did both of them. Again.

Crystal hit all of the old notes last night (except for maybe that last one) as he walked onto the stage followed a lengthy video that had him interacting with George Clooney in "The Descendants," Tom Cruise in "Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol," and, oddly enough, Justin Bieber in "Midnight in Paris."

The video took a pretty odd turn toward the end, but the bit with Bieber had a chuckle or two in it, and you can't argue with George Clooney kissing Billy Crystal, can you?

Following that, Crystal launched into his opening monologue (which included one good zing about the former Kodak Theatre), and subsequently began his traditional Oscar nominee song. Jokes about Scorcese, sung to Scorcese? Check. Jokes about Jonah Hill's weight, accompanied by a clearly unamused reaction from Hill? Also check.

Watch the opening video and Billy's monologue/song from last night's Oscars below: