Watch Annie Potts Call Out Newt Gingrich After Republican's 'GCB' Bashing

Watch Annie Potts Call Out Newt Gingrich After Republican's 'GCB' Bashing "GCB" star Annie Potts has an unsurprising counterpoint for Newt Gingrich's assault on her ABC dramedy: the GOP presidential hopeful can discuss "morality" once everybody's convinced he can spell it.

Gingrich recently fired off at the popular midseason replacement starring Potts, Kristin Chenoweth and other - formerly titled "Good Christian Bitches," then "Good Christian Belles" - by denouncing its "anti-Christian bigotry," as reported by The Huffington Post. Potts shot back on "The View" essentially that if Gingrich represents America's moral compass, we've been navigating with the map upside down.

"I did feel that it was especially rich coming from him, that he called our little TV show un-Christian when he was carrying on an affair while he was impeaching the president for doing the same," Potts told Joy Behar. "It's like, you know, look in the mirror honey, I think our show may be for you."

Gingrich specifically claimed at a March 9 political rally in Gulfport, Miss. that no network would run a show with such a title if the word "Muslim" replaced "Christian." It could be Potts has a point. After all, it's often the case that some things offend because they make some feel they've just looked into a mirror.

Tell us in the Comment section what you think after checking out first Gingrich's, then Potts' remarks below. Does Gingrich make a valid point? Or is Potts right that he should judge not, lest he be judged?