Watch Alec Baldwin Apologize to Alec Baldwin Over Airplane Incident on 'SNL'

Watch Alec Baldwin Apologize to Alec Baldwin Over Airplane Incident on 'SNL' Alec Baldwin was kicked off an American Airlines flight last week, after arguing with a stewardess about playing "Words With Friends" on his iPhone.

Now he's come on "Saturday Night Live" as American Airlines pilot Captain Steve Rogers to apologize to...himself?

The trouble began when Baldwin got into an argument with a flight attendant over whether or not he should be allowed to play the word game on his device while the place was delayed at the gate. He upped the ante substantially by Tweeting about the incident.

"Flight attendant on American reamed me out 4 playing WORDS W FRIENDS while we sat at the gate, not moving. #nowonderamericaairisbankrupt," he began, before adding, "Last flight w American. Where retired Catholic school gym teachers from the 1950's find jobs as flight attendants," along with the hashtag #thereisalwaysunited."

Of course, TMZ reported that after the phone incident, Baldwin got out of his seat and slammed the door to the lavatory so loud that the captain heard it in the cockpit.

Baldwin then used his Huffington Post column to apologize to his fellow travelers for holding them up with his argument, but the column ultimately ended up being a bit of a backhand to American, an airline to which he claims he was "brand loyal, to the extreme."

"The lesson I've learned is to keep my phone off when the 1950's gym teacher is on duty. That was my fault there, even though this trip was quite a bit different from so many others. But it is sad, I think, that you've got to fly overseas today in order to bring back what has been thrown overboard by US carriers in terms of common sense, style, and service," said Baldwin.

This time he's popped up on "SNL" to play American Airlines Capatin Steve Rogers (the real name of Captain America, btw) and apologize to himself as only Alec Baldwin can.

Watch Alec Baldwin on "SNL":